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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Pre-Glued DIY Eyelash Extensions


Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Pre-Glued DIY Eyelash Extensions

Pre-glued DIY eyelash extensions, like Lecil's Pressé Pre-Glued Lashes, offer a convenient and quick way to enhance your look. To ensure a flawless application and prolong lash wear, it's essential to avoid these common mistakes.

1. Not Preparing Your Natural Lashes Before applying pre-glued lashes, ensure your natural lashes are clean and free from oil and makeup. Use a gentle cleanser to remove any residue, which can interfere with the adhesive's effectiveness.

2. Incorrect Placement Accurate placement is crucial. Align the lash strip as close to your natural lash line as possible. Starting too far from the lash line can create an unnatural look and discomfort. Use tweezers or an applicator for precision.

3. Mishandling the Sticky Bond The bond on pre-glued lashes is extremely sticky. Carefully remove the lashes from the box without touching the bond directly to prevent compromising adhesion. Always handle the lashes with care to maintain the integrity of the adhesive.

4. Not Cleaning Residue from Applicators It's essential to clean any adhesive residue from your applicators before clamping the lashes. Residue can cause the clusters to pull off, leading to an uneven application. Ensure your tools are clean to achieve a secure and professional finish. If the applicator touches the pre-bond clean it immediately, ideally with isopropyl alcohol.

5. Neglecting Care During the Curing Period The 48-hour curing period is critical for the bond to harden. During this time, avoid touching or repositioning the lashes, avoid water & always sleep on your back. The bond may feel softer and stickier as it reacts to body heat, which is normal. Patience is vital to ensure the bond sets correctly.

6. Misinterpreting the Soft/Sticky Stage It's common to misinterpret the bond feeling soft and sticky during the curing period as a problem. This stage is entirely normal and part of the process. Persevere and allow the bond to cure fully for optimal results.

Conclusion By avoiding these common mistakes, you can achieve a flawless and long-lasting look with Lecil's Pressé Pre-Glued Lashes. Proper preparation, precise application, and patience are the keys to enjoying beautiful, hassle-free lashes. For more tips and tutorials, visit Lecil Pressé Pre-Glued DIY Eyelash Extensions.

Pressé B false eyelash LeCil


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